Digitization with the PFLEGERWOHL appThe PFLEGERWOHL app saves time, paper and money. We have faced the challenge of developing an app for nursing that relieves nurses from your nursing service where they are most needed: with the patient. That is why the digital exchange works as easily as with known messenger services. Even by voice message. Documentation is recorded once and is accessible to every authorized person - just like handover protocols. And aids can be conveniently ordered from the PFLEGERWOHL online shop.Permanent further development of the app guarantees future viabilityThese are just some of the functions of the PFLEGERWOHL app. And - in the respective look of the care service, it underpins the professional appearance of your care service.A few functions like these are reason enough for your care company to take the first step towards digitization now. The permanent further development of the app already ensures a comprehensive digitization of your work and business processes as a future model. Right through to patient communication.Data protection is a matter of course in the PFLEGERWOHL appPopular messenger services such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal are a matter of course in private everyday life, in a professional context data protectionists advise against using private messengers. Information must remain in the circle for which it is intended. This applies in particular to sensitive areas such as nursing, in which two colleagues also have to exchange information about the condition of the patient. That is why the PFLEGERWOHL app is completely data protection compliant.